Fred's Logbook


Date / Time: 2015-02-09 19:47:50Voyage from: to ETA:
Fred's foster-parent:

Fred's vessel:
IMO No.:

09th of February 2015

Today was a busy day, but I learned so much from Michael and Amy, as they had me helping to repair the roof of the Nissen Hut.

Nissen Hut is where we all live, all seven of us. We have an outer hallway where we store our jackets, waterproof trousers, and wellington boots. It is cold enough that it also serves as a fridge for what fresh vegetables we might get from nice ships (National Geographic Explorer is one of the nicest). This room does smell a bit like penguin though.

The next section of the hut is the living quarters, it has the bunk room, a small living room / kitchen-eating area. It is very homey, but we have no heating, so I am constantly wearing long underwear.

Also next to my bunk is the window, and everyone on base likes to sleep with the window open, so it can be quite cold – thankfully we have big woolly blankets.

Today’s task was to repair a hole in the roof. The initial toilet that was put in in 2010 was a propane incinerator toilet, but it never worked properly. As a matter of fact once it was too full and it exploded its contents all over the Nissen Mud Room. Needless to say it was taken out. But the old chimney hole has been leaking, especially with all the rain we have had. So Michael, Amy and I set about fixing it. It was quite hard because there were about 100 bolts to be taken out and then put back in correctly – we might have even burned out a drill – but in the end it all fell into place nicely, and not with a second to lose as the wind picked up and the rain began to fall.

I am so happy that I am able to help the team here, and feel like I am really part of the Lockroy Family.


